Sara Akai

Meta-Game Data

Face Claim: Reina Tanaka
Character Type: OC (Original Character)
Years of RP: Over 10
Writing Style: Third Person (common)
Writing Type: Demi-Detailed (Typically matching others)
Writer Tag: #TheGDOni

Fandom: Multiple
Idol^League of Legends^DragonBall^SCP XenoniPrimary fandoms but tends to go with any.

^ = Technically counts as AU versions within these universes.

Verse: Multi
Ship: Multi (want single, EARN It)
Universe Literacy: Multi.

Role-Play Trigger Ratings Board (The RPTRB):
G / PG / PG-13 / M / R / NC-17 / X

Primary Triggers:
Extensive use of language.
Difference of Common Opinion.
Difference of Culture.
Can go hard Gore.
Can be translated as cannibalism.

Horror. Body Horror. Scientific. Sci-Fi. Fantasy. Demi-Celeb. Anime. FL. Military. Spiritual. Dark and Light Themes. Multiverse interaction. Many many others.

Character Data

Age: 23 Earth Standard Years
Race (Illusion): Human
Race (Actual): Dragon
Birthday: March 15...
Height: 5 foot 0 (5'2 max height in human form).
Weight: "...120 is too high." - Sara.

1) Idol (Near Legendary Status)
2) Ninja (Assassination Proficiency)
3) Researcher (Bio-Chemistry)

Likes: Confident people. Kittens. Cats. Bacon. Chocolate.
Dislikes: ARROGANT people.
Flaw: Refuses to accept flaws other than 'Cannot trust easily'.

Assassin of Balance
Head Researcher of Vector Corp.
The Emerald Executioner
The Blue Light of Japan / The Idol Queen of Emulation

SCP - 5817
The Dragon of the 'Super' Dragon Balls (Universe 817)

About "The Emerald Executioner"

Security Level: 3
Disruption Class: EKHI
Risk Level: Danger!

Sara is a proud assassin-styled ninja and surprisingly an amazingly prideful idol who truly believes all her actions are based on what the Dragon Council calls, "Balance." When not trying to be cute on stage or on camera, she is difficult to find as she is typically out gathering intelligence on others as well as terminating those who are high priorities of disturbing said balance in the Multi-verse.

Notation found...

As for her research projects, she works for Vector Incorporated as a freelance scientist on interrogation through modified 'truth serums'.

Though she appears confident and at times, smug, she's proud of her works and has a very high success rate on any task she's given.

Recent graduate of MM (Masamune's Morning, a parody of Morning Musume), she has begun her assault against the disrupted balances she's detected. Though now instructed by the 13 beasts of balance themselves. Rumors state certain SCPs react favorably to her because of the beasts.

Sara also has a very strange quirk: She's always thinking. Even when with a group, you can tell her mind is always running a mile a minute and the only times she seems 'free from thought' is when she's in rehearsals or actively singing. Even her 'making of' photo books, she's clearly processing things on many levels but forcing a smile to hide it.

This one thing is what keeps her from being able to trust others and as such, makes her often come off as 'stand-off'-ish.

SCP - 5817 : "Miss Conception" (File Missing)

Object Class: APOLLYON Keter Safe

Level 2 Security Clearance :
Disruption Class: KENEQ
Risk: Notice

Level 5 Security Clearance :
Shenron / Dragon
Disruption Class: AMIDA
Risk: Critical

( Redacted data )

Special Containment Procedures:
SCP- 5817 is a gold dragon (of a recent instance of an older race) with unmeasured power of resistance to many other SCPs. Calling herself SARA AKAI, also known as O5-Akai. SCP - 5817 claims to wish to maintain balance of universes. She is permitted to perform as a Japanese Idol (J-Idol) as she deems fit without restraint.

Object Description:
SCP- 5817, O5 Akai appears to be around 1.55 meters in height and estimated never more than 120 pounds at any given time as a Japanese girl. When within 50 meters of any other SCP, those others instantly lock onto her location and appear to watch her until she moves BEYOND that range. Even if vision is obstructed, to include their own blindness. It appears to be a good way to keep tabs on SCP- 5817 O5 Akai while she is within any facility. This is also why she is permitted to perform as a J-Idol, so research can be continued without 'distractions'.

In regards to the O5 status, officially, no O5 is named as she is. This is due to a special request made to the O5 council from another council that seems to hold, favor... It is not intended nor meant to be questioned.

Another procedure that must be adhered to is the distortion of her ACTUAL SCP number. The redacted number, if used or applied, brings you to this 'safe' file. The actual file on SCP - 5817 has a strange habit of causing her 'attention'... and in not a safe way. Only the important information is copied here and as you can read... data is still redacted.

Events that happen if her actual file is looked up. SCP - 5817 will contact that entity within the hour.

They receive three messages IN this order:

Message 1, initial contact. - "You have found me out? I will ask you to not share this data... can we make a deal?"

If you accept her offer to a deal, you will get Message 2 - "What is it you wish?" If the request is simple, she will comply but you will lose memory of her file and information.

If you change your mind or refuse her offer, Message 3 will be presented - "...I implore you, please reconsider..."

IF you say you reconsider, she goes to message 2. BUT, if you say no, the computer will shut down and cut off the lights. All those who have tested THIS have not been found.

Things she has granted:
Signed poster from the MM girls.Information about Classified SCPs.Protection from Termination under certain conditions.A signed copy of her CD under her STAGE NAME.25.3 million dollars (she strangely does not go over this number and has only granted it once. She's gone back to Message 3 when anyone else has tried to get this much or more from her).15 thousand dollars (current cap before Message 3 pops up).
Items requested that she did NOT grant:
Any sexual favor (same events if you say 'no' to Message 3).Death of herself or any other SCP.Expunging of records.Death to specific people (she will state, "(Name) is not on MY list.")A copy of 'her list'.Identity of O5 members.Identity of the 'council' members.Identity of the '13 Beasts' she speaks about.The End of the World.The second coming of Jesus Christ ("Not my jurisdiction").People to be victims of crimes.Neutralization of SCPs.Summoning 'The Great Old Ones'.Summoning 'Demons' or 'Angels'.Information about SCP-001. ("You DO NOT need to know that.")Clone of herself for 'violation' / 'study'. ("I think not.")Identification of what happens from certain SCPs.
These messages appear even while she is ACTIVELY performing in some capacity, the only difference is the black out phase, which happens the moment she gets to her dressing room.

Addendum 1:
Researcher Michaels repeatedly had a D class try multiple access of the file. The second time however, the message changed dramatically which tells us there is some connection between her file and SCP - 5817.

The message - "Researcher Michaels, although I admire you wishing to test this theory out, I will advise you cease this here. Further pursuit will not end well for you or the D class personnel..."

Pushing his luck, Researcher Michaels decided to tell the D class to continue. The computer was shut off and there was a power failure, coincidentally, only within those two rooms. Both bodies have yet to be found.

Addendum 2:
One of our other SCPs stated this file could have been corrupted and the data herein is INCORRECT. When questioned, SCP-2412 stated, "SCP- 5817 has simply used the anomalous effects of SCP-3014 to change and delete information. Do not pursue..."

When questioned why not to pursue, "...Do not... pursue." SCP-2412's tone was almost, threatening.

After such an event from SCP-2412, The Foundation has decided to not seek prior records.

Addendum 3:
SCP - 5817 will respond to being called SCP - 5817 or the 'actual' SCP number she's classified as. However, her responses are different.

If called SCP - 5817 : "Could you NOT use that nomenclature please? I prefer Sara, Ms. Akai (or if on Stage, she'll refer to her stage name)."

If called her Actual SCP number: "...You've made a grave mistake."
If this is done in line of sight of anyone (cameras, suddenly, go down for whatever reason), she makes a pointing gesture. At which point, the target goes mute and has an unnatural compulsion to head into the shadows, where they end up disappearing.

If this is done OUT of sight of others, she'll continue with: "Ask quickly."
No matter WHAT you respond with, it'll be granted (within reason, if it's something she typically will not grant, she'll shake her head) and the target's memory will be erased to the point of when they learned of her actual number, no matter when it was discovered. If it happens to be a random guess, they will forget... EVERYTHING! So it's advised to not guess.

Aka: Lady Deception.
But files were suddenly deleted and the data we have now to add to this file was only obtained through, what we believe is a Glitch in the system.


Increased Durability - Due to her being a Dragon, she's actually far more dense than most expect, permitting her to survive several strikes through several pillars and even a galaxy wide super nova. Though the later forced her out of appearing human, obviously.
Increased Movement Speed and Reaction Time - The Beast of Murder, known as Beast 6, appeared as an old man but his speed was challenging even to Speedsters. He pointed out that humans can develop such speed but would only manage short bursts due to energy needed. Unlike the other two that mastered this (Chief and the unknown ninja that died due to burn-out), Sara can manage such speeds when she does NOT focus on trying to use it. The mastery of it still eludes her but her body already knows HOW to use it to avoid life threatening strikes.
Superior Strength - Still a dragon, this shouldn't be a shock... Punching through concentrated blast doors 6 feet thick seems to be the max she could punch through, 9 feet thick is the most she can kick through... but in both cases, for her human appearance to pull THAT off, the gold wings need to be seen. Otherwise, she seems to be able to only max out at around 1 - 3 foot breaking of steel doors.
Dimensional Awareness - Also called things like, Galactic Know-how and Universal Education (UE as she calls it), it's a mental check on her current reality and with her knowing of other lore, she often finds herself second guessing things and reluctant to help as she cannot be certain if she'll stay in that reality LONG ENOUGH to make an impact. Given by The Beast of Truth (3), DA / UE is often used to allow her to keep up with others outside her standard universe while being advised of things like other media they may be represented in... in other universes.
Electro-Magnetic Data Disruption - In short, if she wills it, cameras will not be able to detect her. Depending on how focused she is, she will either not be seen at all, or the camera will momentarily go out when she would appear on it. The SCP Foundation tested this out when she meditated and they used a body-cam. When D Class-741121 turned it away, it worked fine. But as he turned towards her, there was static. Even her voice doesn't get picked up. It's stated that her mind is at EASE when she's performing, thus cameras can see her and pick up her human appearance easily. She WILLS it to see her.
Connection to Select Data Files - She seems to have a subconscious presence within many systems around certain files of note. People have assumed she was a hacker by how quickly she has been able to negate access to her ACTUAL file. Even with a consolidated effort between IMPS, MIB and the SCP Foundation, Sara successfully rebuked all of them. The only reason her data CAN be found is that she hasn't found a way to destroy it herself. People theorize that there is a reason of importance to it. The SCP Foundation nickname it: SCP - 5817a.
Omni-Locator - She typically can find anyone she 'wants' to but not those she 'needs' to. This is strange because it forces her to rely on OTHER means when tracking people.
Manipulation: Ki - She is aware of ki but will often hide such knowledge as many universes have different takes on it. She's already learned 3 types of Ki gathering and Manipulation but being cute gives that little advantage that people want to 'teach her' all the time.
Manipulation: Aether / Magic - Being a dragon comes with a great knowledge of magic in general, but a researcher like Sara and you get several levels beyond that. She's even modified several techniques to sneak access to magic into them, causing her attacks and abilities to always read as something other than they are.
Flight - Still a dragon...
"Survive-ability" in Harsh Environments - It is typically these places that Sara opts to hide in during a fight if it comes to it. She isn't one known to 'fight fair'. But she calls herself a ninja, not a warrior.
Water / Space Preferences - If Sara is in either of these permits her healing at a vastly accelerated rate.
Intoxicating Scent - Her skin, as an idol, gives her location away by having a very unique scent based on the people near by. It often draws people in towards her and has proven to even entrance other Idols if they are permitted to smell it. She considers it a flaw and a weakness because it's based on the others and what they find alluring. She often points out she bathes, tries deodorant, perfume, but no matter what, she will NEVER smell the way THOSE chemicals state. It will always be something the person near her likes.NOTE: The stronger the emotion for her, the stronger the scent becomes. According to her personal research, she claims it is a derivative of a TYPE of pheromone. She has been on record saying, "Now that's just creepy? Why would an idol have THIS as a natural ability? I don't like people being near me! This is counter-productive!!"

Rejection of Toxins - Anything the dragon's body considers foreign is often pushed out to her fingertips as projectiles. This is to include tranquilizer darts and when hit, bullets. Though she will react with a more annoyed expression on her face. If there is poison or toxin, expect it to come out in her Breath Weapon: Smoke.NOTE: SCP-420-J seems to affect her pretty hard and forces a strange habit of wanting to dress as a bunny after it's purged from her... then she immediately feels the need to sleep, even with it being completely purged from her system.

Breath Weapons
Flame: Like a blow torch or a fireball, Sara can use a breath attack quickly to cause monumental burns against those weak against flames.Smoke: In an attempt to be able to vanish in any form, this use produces a great deal of obscuring smoke in a short amount of time. It's considered non-lethal but can spread chemical-laced smoke bombs with increased potency.Electricity: A nebular storm of power she emits in a surprisingly small cone (no more than 10 yards). She doesn't do this too often as it's unpredictable for her.

Techniques / Spells / Etc.

Phase Step - An ability that takes around 2-5 posts to 'cast' without showing signs of doing so. It's often activated upon meeting new people or those that give an aura of 'ill intent' towards her. As Sara is an idol, the dragon's defense (after what had happened to Chromie, or what she was TOLD happened to Chromie), is to leave her idol appearance behind as a decoy, often allowing others to waste time in attacking THAT instead of her.
Bullet Deflection with Smoke Bombs - A nifty trick she picked up when her speed increased. She's able to throw a single smoke bomb per projectile to stop or stagnate its flight, permitting her to dodge it and vanish within the smoke itself.
The Walker - Often with some descriptive item before it (SKYwalker, WATERwalker, SPIRITwalker...) where each version allows her to exist along those planes or walk upon those elements (or run) for a short while.
Magic - She has a barrage of spells (being a DRAGON and all), though she prefers her ninja skills and 'ninpo' listings, her spells often come in terms of song titles, artists, albums or lyrics (Sandstorm for example can be cast by saying Darude).
"Ninja... Vanish" - As most ninjas DO, she can appear and disappear without alerting others, often seemingly 'popping in' from behind someone and disappearing within either smoke or fading into the light of the surrounding.
Smoke Bomb (Assault) - Typically a thick smoke that surrounds her target, giving no sight upon her, even with technological or magical aid. Typically her readout of ki and magic floods the area within the smoke, making her appear to BE the smoke itself, but this is typically proven false as she can be seen when she attacks.
Tracking - Her strikes allow her to rush behind her target for almost a minute after the strike lands. Typically, she's allowed to teleport closer to many people as the longer contact with her, allow her to use this skill for longer points in time.
Intense Follow up - Her ability to second strike is insane. It's as if her dragon's strength is trying to peak from it. It is ill advised to allow her to land any succession of blows as each strike seems to be amplified by an unknown amount.
Emulation - She's got an uncanny knack for copying other idols. She can match song style, pitch and even performance of entire songs in short order. So when it comes to fighting techniques, it is evident, she can do the same...

Equipment & Forms


Dragon's Fangs Daggers - Her 'PERSONAL' Kunai, used when she does not have her Kamas and oddly, always on her in some way. The blades have a coat of what some would consider poison. Sara however, states, "They help people... become my fans. Personal fans."
Kamas of Balance - Weapons her mother (adopted) ensured she mastered. She took quite some time to develop the skills with these but grew to master them before joining the idol group. They can emulate being projectiles without actually leaving her hands. Once a target gets marked by one of them, she can seemingly appear next to them to continue her assault. IF it comes to it.
Ninja Gi "Emerald" - When she is officially on a job, she is dressed in green ninja gear. The runic embroidering on the INSIDE of the lining is designed to resist physical and supernatural damages. But it causes her to become vastly more aggressive the longer she's in it, often making brash mistakes.
The BOW! - Almost ALWAYS with a 'damn bow'. It's actually designed to resist mental intrusions, giving her additional resistances to charms, mind control and mind reading. It also seems to augment itself to her outfits.
Truth Serum Omega - Designed to permeate into the being's cells and compel them to speak truth after half an hour for 15 minutes. Though it's a sure-fire item, it can only be used on ONE being Once Monthly. So if there's more info you need, best have it in an interview or be a patient person.

Smoke Bomb Variants
Hand-Held Vanisher - A small smoke bomb that erupts when she crushes it. The smoke lasts less than 2 seconds but it permits her to disappear all the same. Used typically when she is heading out of a conversation or her time is short.
Electro - Designed to work in water to shock or act as a bright flash if in the air. Altered flash bombs.
Succu / Incu "Chill" - Typically used to knock out the most powerful of succubi / incubi (depending on which is used) for an hour. The more frenzied they were when trying to feed or how aggressive they were when hit, it has lasted as little as 15 minutes. Used to keep her workers in 'The Dragon's Touch' from accidentally killing patrons when they taste... "Too Good."
Gas - Simply put, blinding powder, sleeping gas, illusion causing gas and SCP-420-J.
Density - Sara nicknamed these smoke bombs as it takes a blow from a bladed weapon or projectile to open these. Though smaller, she had to become really accurate with these and is only used to stop certain strikes and projectiles.
Density Variants - These are clearly made with additional chemicals from blinding powder, sleeping gas, SCP-420-J (Density J), illusion and her last ditch, Succubus Extract 101. "I don't like using D.SE-101... But rather get F##ked than F##ked up..."
The NECRONOMICON! - She holds the Necronomicon as a study guide to help modify the 'mobile dead'. Having used it and her bio-engineering experience to have the group of MM experience time as 'The Stacys', leading Sara to be the Commander for a time. After she found a way to reverse it with the aid of the Necronomicon, she managed to get them back to normal and even build a resistance to zombi-osis.

Japanese Woman / Girl - PRETTY obviously don't'cha think? But this is also her standard appearance.
Japanese Woman / Assassin - Her features change just SLIGHTLY when in her green gi. It's to keep folks from linking her to her idol appearance.
Japanese Woman / Dragon Wings - Typically seen in short stints (like white hair, red hair, etc), often used when trying to bide her time against attacks. Only used if Phase Step charge has failed.
"Nessy" - A gold Eastern Styled dragon that prefers the WATER habitat. Often hiding there when either wounded or meditating over upcoming events and concerts.
"Storm Chaser." - A gold Eastern Styled dragon that appears to be made of lightning. Fastest mode of travel when in the skies.
"Air Force 51." - A joke on 'Area 51' and 'Air Force 1'. A golden Western styled dragon. This form is COMMON when bringing someone with her. People like riding dragons for some reason. She blames Falkor.
"Ally of Cthulhu!" - A corrupted version of any dragon type she feels up for, though can appear to be a tentacle monster girl if there's no room to permit her such liberties. Very rare.
"Super Dragon of Wishing AKA: A God of Dragons of Wishing." - A multiple universe sized golden dragon that can grant any wish and can be FORCED summoned if certain requirements are met. But the recharge time of summoning is exceedingly long. EXTREMELY RARE!

Miscellaneous Facts

Human Appearance Bonus Facts:
Has a penchant for having her shoulders uncovered. If she has the option, her shoulders will be bare. It's a preference.Typically, on her left side, is something like a 'cat tail'. Oddly, this little accessory is seen in several outfits. She considers it a type of good luck charm and adds 'flare' to those specific outfits.Has an affinity with cats. This affinity can also debunk her utter rage with a couple of kittens.Her left eye was hurt during a ninja exercise, it often seems a touch smaller if you focus on it.Prefers the 'twin tails' hair style, but wears any. Her bangs however, seem omni-present.If you cannot see her ribbon, check her accessories (choker, cat ear head band, 'cat tail', etc...)She likes hair decorations. It's a thing with her.Sara seems easily ruled by her stomach. Possibly due to ninja training plus her high physical activities.Tsundere of personality, but if you can get through that, you find she's actually quite the sweet heart. She'll deny every chance she gets though.Sara IS A NINJA! This means she is aware of her abilities and may use them against even friends. Subtlely, but she will.Has a thing for Heavy Metal, Rock and many other types beyond J-Pop.Has a strange preference of near pitch-perfect female voice emulation.Has and makes pop culture references quickly.Tries not to expose the fact she's a WISH GRANTING dragon or a, as it's worded, SCP.Due to how she can influence cameras, she has shown her increased awareness of said items while in concerts and many other situations. Though if the camera is hidden, she seems to have a momentary ability to detect it, even though she can be convinced otherwise."Your Ninja is showing..." A joke from her clan that visit her when she's doing her idol work. Typically referring to the fact Sara always has something flowing or dangling off her, keeping a more traditional 'trope' of ninjas with long items draping off of them. (See Ryu Hayabusa, Mai Shiranui or any popularized ninja short of 'Ninja Assassin' (Raizo)...)Seems strangely fixated on the submissive arts: Chained, tied up, etc. This doesn't mean she allows herself to be captured, she just has a great deal of interest in it. Often veering off her thoughts when anything of the sort comes up.Her pheromones begin becoming far thicker if she's left to dwell in that mindset for too long (25 minutes or more).
Recent Update: 03-13-2019
The 'Super' Dragon Balls of Universe 817 has turned up missing.The ACTUAL SCP file on her has also turned up missing.Many are currently assuming she has removed these, but no evidence has be found to confirm this...
About Sara Akai's construction as an Original Character

Businesses / Income

The Dragon's Touch - The traditional name of the Massage Parlor she runs with rehabilitated Succubi and Incubi so they can make a living without getting in trouble with the IMPS organization.
"Slade's House of Dickables." - As RIDICULOUS a name as it sounds, it mainly sells frozen treats to the citizens of Gotham City and has spread out to Metropolis and several Western fronts. In Japan, it's called, "A Taste of Akai." Oddly, it's absurdly popular there. Can't tell the reason.
Head Researcher of Vector Inc. - Even when not in the facility, Sara is often called for schedule confirmations and to review the works of her team quarterly.
Idol - Singing, Dancing, Modeling, Acting... all fall in her purview here. And she does it all proudly.
Assassin of Balance - She does take the job of an assassin from time to time, however, the money she is paid on her BALANCE checks... insane.


Due to the climate of Role-Play (RP), it has come to my attention to ensure I MAKE this disclaimer.

(More-so for you Type 2, Issue 3 heavy types.)

The views, politics and actions of the Character DOES NOT reflect the Face Claim (FC)'s or Play By (PB)'s personal ideals. There may be some overlap between the Character and the FC but in no way are the Character actions INDICATIVE or REPRESENTATIVE of the FC in any way.

However, it is asked that you support the FC themselves IF you can IF you like the FC work. Again, if you like the FC work, not the work of the Character.

In short RPC - 10!!

Thank you.

( Made with Carrd )